Contemporary Art Magazine
Autorizzazione Tribunale di Roma
n.630/99 del 24 Dicembre 1999

Sacrosanctum .2 – Antonio Riello


Oratorio di san Mercurio – Pa
7 luglio – 31 agosto 2017

opening: 7 luglio 2017, h 18:30. Ingresso gratuito

“For centuries religious visions and popular pieties
Have been the backbone of art.
I like assembling this extraordinary heritage
With contemporary images, trivial, technological and dangerous ones”.
(Antonio Riello)

The work by ANTONIO RIELLO for Sacrosanctum.2 will be presented on Friday, July 7, at 6.30 pm, at the Oratorio of San Mercurio in Palermo (largo S. Giovanni degli Eremiti).

Following the logical expeditions of a conceptual charade, Riello reshapes objects and images investigating with great sagacity the ambivalences and contradictions of contemporary society. Taken from the SUPERMODERN WARS series, his work combines in a single aesthetic potential painting, sculpture and photoreproduction, resulting in a perfect syncretism between Tiepolis’s legacy and contemporaneity, between sacredness and propensity to war. Its visual shortcuts, its wild ideas use the paradox as the main tool of knowledge and reflection. Emblem of our time, ambiguity is in fact a symptom of our inability to choose, of a globalized rhetoric of culture, aimed at immobility rather than at a free expression of the conscience.

Supported and organized by Amici dei Musei Siciliani and curated by Adalberto Abbate and Maria Luisa Montaperto Sacrosanctum. 2 leverages the attesting value of the artists to promote an active engagement in the protection of common goods, thus offering the chance to start, with free donation, restoration and maintenance works on historical monuments of the city.
An eclectic and visionary artist, Antonio Riello (Marostica, Vicenza, 1958) has exhibited in prestigious museums and several institutions, including BALTIC (Gateshead, UK); NGBK (Berlino); NEUHAUSEN KUNSTVEREIN (Neuhausen, Germania); MART (Rovereto); MUSEE D’ART SAINT ETIENNE (Saint-Étienne, Francia); KUNSTHALLE WIEN (Vienna); FONDAZIONE ARNALDO POMODORO (Milano); PAC (Milano); PALAZZO DELLE PAPESSE (Siena); NEUE GALERIE (Graz, Austria); WOLFSBURG KUNSTVEREIN (Wolfsburg, Germania); GALLERIA CIVICA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA (Palermo); MUSEO PECCI (Prato); FREIBURG KUNSTVEREIN (Freiburg, Germania); KIEL KUNSTVEREIN (Kiel, Germania); GALLERIA CIVICA ARTE CONTEMPORANEA (Trento); BIENNALE ARTE TIRANA 2001 (Tirana); SYNOPALIA II (Sinop, Turchia); ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE (Londra); WIESBADEN KUNSTVEREIN (Wiesbaden, Germania); MUSEO STORIA NATURALE (Milano); XII and XV QUADRIENNALE D’ARTE (Roma); BORUSIAN FOUNDATION (Istanbul); CHELSEA MUSEUM OF ART (NY); REMAP (Atene); ELGIZ MUSEUM (Istanbul); 54ā BIENNALE DI VENEZIA (Venezia); GLOBEGALLERY (NewCastle/Tyne, UK); 4 CANAKKALE BIENNALE (Canakkale, Turchia); GALLERIA ARTE MODERNA (Torino); BIENNALE ARTE RIJEKA (Rijeka, Croazia); MUSEUM ART DESIGN (NY); MUDAC (Losanna); MUSEO CIVICO BASSANO (Bassano); OPENSPACEISTANBUL (Londra); ARIANA MUSÉE (Ginevra); MUSEUM DER WELT (Berlino) e DORDRECHT MUSEUM (Dordrecht, Olanda).

Inaugurazione: 7 luglio 2017, h 18:30. Ingresso gratuito

Esposizione: 7 luglio – 31 agosto 2017
Orario: tutti i giorni dalle 10:00 alle 18:00. Chiusi il 15 agosto.

091 6118168

Oratorio di san Mercurio
Largo San Giovanni degli Eremiti, Palermo


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Sacrosanctum .2 – Antonio Riello